So I'm most of the way through drafting a Friday Follies about Unions and the NFL. And then I see this video (caution: there is swearing - obviously, if you've read the title):
...And just like that, I decided to change my post.
Now it's about funny viral videos from this election. I picked the funniest five I could find. So send the kids or your boss in the other room.
1. Brilliant Slim Shady remix a la Romney (hilarious, but mildly vulgar in places):
2. And an equally brilliant "U Didn't Build That" MC Hammer remix (same dude made it - this one's not swear-y or vulgar, just funny):
3. Here's Sarah Silverman breaking down the voter law changes (there is swearing in this one):
4. This one is safe for kids/work, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. HuffPo seems to love it, but there's something a bit... well, watch it and see if you see what I see:
5. Celebrities on Why to Vote (again with the swearing, vulgarity):
I almost completely lost it at "my dog is on the roof, my dog is on the roof."