Monday, December 31, 2012

The Smurfette Principle (End of Year Re-Run)

Since the ratio is getting a bit better next Congress, and since this post deals with core YBGP issues, I wanted to revisit Mandi's exploration of the Smurfette Principle (from June 17th).  Is it getting better?  When will there be even a Smurfette level of women presidents? 

So, apropos of nothing in particular, I was thinking about the three women we have on the Supreme Court now (Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ginsburg), and how we are slowly moving away from the “Smurfette Syndrome” in politics. 

The Smurfette Syndrome, for those who are unaware, is a trope where they are lots of different male characters, and then one female character, who is apparently used to represent all women or femininity.  Like the 100 to 1 ratio of females to males in the Smurf village, later slightly improved to 100 to 3 ratio.  Seen in countless tv shows and movies, and can also be seen in real life, like the 5 to 1 ratio of men to women in Congress.  Or the even worse 0 to 44 ratio for presidents.  Here is a video explicating the theory further: 

While I believe the situation is slowly improving on all fronts, will we ever reach the point of parity of representation amongst the sexes in politics?  Is that even something we should strive for?  What if less women were genuinely uninterested in politics compared to men, as I’ve heard some theorize?  Are women in politics always doomed to be Smurfettes?

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